If we can get away for long enough from our brainwashing into pairing 'primitiveness' with Indigenous/Aboriginal societies that avoided the worship of tools and technology, and dehumanising others to be exploited to build huge mts... then we should be able to realise that those societies that lived well for thousands of years, while developing a complex cosmology, language, cultural and ecological botanical medicinal knowledge, did indeed, develop sustainable societies...
The key question is, how do we define, PROGRESS.
I have noticed when super rich Palefaces live for a couple of weeks, semi naked, and lounge around in the sun, they are the super achievers, who have worked like dogs to get that 2 weeks of 'freedom', but when people of colour have created a whole society around such a lifestyle, (in which they obtain all they need from 2-4 hours of effort) they are defined as 'primitive'.