I went to sleep last night so very much in anguish after reading that after getting a threatening call from some Zionist operative that they knew he was at a school with his family in in x district, Dr Refaat moved to his sister’s 2nd floor flat and then, only that particular flat was targeted, killing him, his sister, brother and several of their children .
Putin is a war criminal according to the NATO aligned International Criminal Court, for responding to parents who requested their children be taken to Russia , away from active combat zones/ which he did , and the children after being sheltered, fed and given music lessons, were duly returned to their parents . Netanyahu and his cohort of collaborators in the west are indiscriminately bombing or targeting specific families to the tune of over 7,000 children thus murdered and where is Karin Khan, head of the International Criminal Court.? Who is going to arrest him for his compliance with these monstrous crimes ?