I think it is good should you have the energy, to put into the public domain, the manipulations, threats and sheer malevolence of the ZIonist mindset... I would always hope that such people can have a change of heart; but in the meantime, the world should know their victimisation crying is just a friggin ploy!
I watched a video th other day, of a Pro-israelie, berating and yelling at an elderly man who was a survivor of nazi Germany, and he was agasint the whole Zionist agenda of taking over Palestine. The Pro-israelis were so aggressive and totally disrespectful... I mean to a Jewish survivor and he looked quite frail... I would never talk to an elder like that, even if I didn't like what he was saying.
I mean, they showed him zero respect, while most of the blood-curdling ones putting up appalling videos of carnage they are celebrating, are immigrants from Europe, who just wanted handouts from the stock of stolen Palestinian properties... A parasitic psychopathic mentality, in essence. It needs to be exposed.