I really like how you 'translate' the language of the ancient texts into the jargon of modern science, seeing connections between the idea of 'soul' as indestructible and the first law of thermodnamics... As for doing my duty... I feel I have done so, at vey high cost eg , refusing to have children - one reason being learning about hose the land after the Chernobyl accident would be uninhabitable for 20,000 years, all the famines, the wars, the day to day violence... brought me to that conclusion, of not having children and adding to the suffering in the world... I feel I gave working for change actively my best shot, and always found myself on the reaching end of arrogant white liberals who slanted about equality while convinced of their superiority... The shenanigans of males -both within and outside of family relations, who take women's energy and resources as a right, is another arena that has left me tired and with the strong need to withdraw ...
400 years of misrule by those dominating Indigenous cultures... it's a new idea to realise it will not be undone in my lifetime, no matter how many protests and related actions I take.