I really appreciate and respect honesty no matter the source, and here, you have dazzled me with so many gems... as a bilingual teacher of English, this is another area, rarely acknowledged aspect you have referenced by the insightful term, 'monolinguistic inferiority'. But whole books have been written by monolingual English -speaking theorists making up false theories such as 'developmental delays' of bilinguals. But actual research has shown being bi or multi-lingual confers huge cognitive and social advantages.
And reading your second paragraph brought to mind the occasion when I attended a poetry reading and the Whyte woman I happened to sit next to turned to me and said,'shall I explain 'teleology to you? '.
I was so taken aback, I sat there open-mouthed while she went on with her mission ... I wish I could say I said something back such as, 'Well, I have forgotten all the philosophy I studied at Uni, so yes, I really do need your help", but it was the evening, I was tired and did not bother.