I read your comment twice. Unlike quite a lot of writers on Medium, I do carefully read comments and respond. It is an attack to attribute anti-Jewish feelings /anti semitic , when the whole point of the article is the horror of genocide being perpetrated on unarmed civilians. And you want to focus entirely on a cartoon/carcature and moan about that, No fucks given about the 40,000 lives lost, the people satravign the children with limbs amputated without anaesthetic... but let's discuss a medieval anti-Jewish trope shall, we that I as the author am telling you I have never heard. This is because the world has moved on and anti-Jewish tropes are a rarity, maybe having currency with extreme right pro Nazi types - out side of that context they are brought up by people like you who want to misattribute and slander people with the anti-Jewish label. It is an attack because it is a silencing technique. But look around, people have seen through that tactic - especially when we see ProZionists battering elderly Holocaust survivors for having a view they don't agree with.