I have studied the foundational texts and theologians of islam for many years and you might have noted that I don't say anywhere in the article that Islam is ALL bad; in fact there are some concepts eg that the wife has the right to retain her earnings and property , while it is the husband's duty to provide are more protective of women than secular norms or rules of say, Christianity ... the problem is that:
1) hardly anyone applies those rules
2) the rules that allow males privileges and power are unremittingly enforced.
The rule on adultery is an impossibility to evidence but that certainly does not benefit women who have been attacked - she cannot ever find 4 male witnesses to her rape and so is likely to be jailed if she dares to ever try to bring charges of rape - or worse, still, she is likely to be killed.
No idea what you are talking about that the rule on adultery 'magically' protects women. I recall the case of a 12 year old blind girl in Pakistan raped by the damn landlord and who was jailed do you think?
So I suggest you please go open your eyes to the realities, that poverty-stricken women and girls are experiencing, instead of focusing on the theories, hunnn.