I have older friends who are true in their love and kindness, whom i also support any way I can, taking aromatherapy oils for one, cooking a meal and taking it over for another, driving a third to a demonstration where I found there were some young people, but more grey-haired ones...
Whateer the systemic fallures, we must not, as individuals, lose our moral compass adn degenrate. even if otjhers are jealous, grasping adn hurtful... I will not degenerate.
I think the key is to continue to be generous, kind and supportive, regardless of how others behave. Because imagine how it feels to turn nasty adn mean! I do not want to change into a callous, cold and calulating self-interested atomised self. I'm sure there are others who also do not... let's join hands and be brave in asserting humane values - sharing what we have is a good start.