I grew up in the UK and have a perspective on both the one night stands, easy come, easy go/polyamory lifestyles of many West Europeans, and I know Muslim/SIkh/Hindu families with couples who accepted semi-arranged marriages....
Both sorts of patriarchies largely operate on a double standard of morality and sadly it's women who come off worse, by and large.
Is it any less 'demented', that young girls and women in the 'Lands of the Free', are totally consumed by fashion and shifting their bodily features through severe dieting /bulimia/plastic surgeries?
Then there is the perspective shared by a German woman who said she feels so very alone , as there is a merry go round of coupling going on, so you never know who your partner is going to hook up with, and so all contact becomes fairly superficial and transitory.
So stop with the demonising of other cultures. sex outside of marriage is not necessarily the height of 'liberation'.
With one in two women subjected to sexual assault/rape in the West, the trauma of abortions, and all the confusions and emotional confusions, single parenthood, and neglected children, there is a lot to be said for other cultural patterns, that often involve loving support and guidance from the wider family and community.