I don't think I have 'superior knowledge' Des. In fact, what you have shared is really important and people and resistance movements I have not heard of and will look up when I have time.
This is the great thing about writing , reading and connecting with people via comments on Medium - the sharing of perspective and knowledge is enhanced, and feels dynamic and alive.
The downside is feeling disappointed when people don't follow basic rules of courtesy.
For example, I have really worked hard on this article, and for you to not show any appreciation is inconsiderate if not downright rude. Are you not aware there is a protocol on Medium, to click on the clap icon, to express your appreciation?
I may not agree with someone, but the person has made an effort and for that, I will clap.
You do come across as care-less. Or maybe you just don't realise that courtesy counts all the more, when communication is abstracted away from the face to face.