I don't support any genocide, B Kean, but you seem to have no problem with singing the praises of white supremacist Amerikkka whose foundations are built on genocide and its modus operands remains the same to this day... Shame on you for no concern for the millions being massacred over generations on all the continents... Russia is refusing to roll over and obey that evil monster gobbling up the planet.
Does that upset you? Obviously all invasions are wrong but for the likes of you, only the invasion of Ukraine is wrong, let Africans, Latin American, etc etc, be invaded, occupied and exploited for generations - that is of no concern for you, so what a shameful lack of humanity the likes of you embody.
So now, you you go away, gobble up the goodies of the Western Empire, whose unmatched exploitative feats you benefit from. If that is not unprincipled opportunism, what is?