I believe the fascists and Zionism - which is a mutation from fascism, celebrates as it sows suspicion, division and hate amongst people...
Growing up in the UK in a Muslim family and facing overt racism at school and on the streets, I used to think about the experiences of Jewish people as minorities all across Europe. So I have always had the greatest compassion for Jewish people, given the extreme oppression they faced for centuries upon centuries... I felt nothing but horror, disgust and revulsion about the ways Nazis victimised Jewish people. during World War II
Let's get clear that, Zionism is an out-growth from white -Christendom- colonialism, opportunistically using the rightful revulsion about the Holocaust, to justify the USA's takeover of Palestinian lands undercover of the 'Right of Return ' notion promulgated by Zionists. .
The Jewish people I know are working for Peace and Justice and they, when they criticise the genocidal Israeli entity, are called 'self-hating Jews'.