I appreciate your thoughtful responses Outlier...
I think I'm trying to get across that the West definitely teach in their schools, media etc that they are the most superior/advanced /developed culture ... and on that basis they have committed so many atrocities involving immense suffering and the loss of millions of lives over the past 4/5 centuries of their invasions and theft of resources from every continent beyond Europe.
When you scratch the surface beyond their rhetoric on human rights, you see vast inequalities within their own societies.
The situation of women in the West, is dictated by a sexualisation that is commodified and used to sell everything... the rates of bulimia /anorexia/ domestic violence are going up and up due to the continued devaluation of women and male-defined standards of beauty alongside the continuing notion that women are the possessions of men. I don’t think that all this happens to any less degree than in Iran.
The domination of women in the West, appears softer and there may be more leeway, but in essence it is the same.