I appreciate your calm response, giving a little more detail on you partiality towards the western perspective'.
I have to say, I'm astonished by your assertion that Western power, is more moral, more competent and has a 'long-term sustainable system.
On each of these fronts, I could not disagree more !
Are you not aware of how the Western powers' wealth is due to their rapacious acts over the past 500 years to the very present, their invasions, massacres, occupation of lands, enslavement of millions, the attempt to force China to 'trade', when they had possessed nothing to trade with, in the 19th C, leading to the attempt to undermine the nation via the opium distribution, to name one atrocity, amongst thousands. it would take far more space than possible in a moment here, to enumerate.
These atrocities were central to the establishment of Western power and wealth and there has been no end to such acts of aggression - look at the the fact that since the day Amerikkka was founded, they have not stopped engaging in wars to gain by force why they could not gain by fair trade or trickery
You might not be familiar with the fact that all the immigrants of colour who were exploited to death, and never really treated as citizens... eg the Chinese immigrants who built the railroad connections between the East and West coasts... .
Do I need to mention the genocidal massacres of the original inhabitants whose lands were taken by means so foul, as spreading disease they had no resistance against, deliberately?
It's so sad that a young person with your heritage is pro West... have you no idea of how much harm has been perpetrated in the Philippines, for example?
Just as the western world is collapsing, you want to say they have the correct solution. long-term. Sorry but factually speaking, that is delusional, to say the least.
We are facing the 6th mass extinction, due precisely to the insanity of Western cannibal capitalism and its entitled population's insane levels of consumption and waste.