I am saying that self defence is justifiable. Not only am I saying that, but whole populations under Nazi terror, believed that, and honoured the heroic spies/saboteurs and fighters who formed the Resistance in France.... I recall as a 12 year old girl in the Uk, reading an newspaper article about one 'Violette Szabo, a British woman who was recruited by the British state to work as a spy.... and deposited under cover of night into Occupied France... I actually cried to learn she was caught by the Nazis and so her daughter became motherless. Was she a 'terrrorist'? No, she was awarded a medal.
The UN declaring that occupied people have the right defend themselves is another fact you are choosing to ignore. Like any other occupied people, why can't you agree that the Palestinian people, (who had nothing to do with the Holocaust', also have the right to self defence?
You look of a similar age as Normal Finklestein and the wise elder and Holocaust survivor, Gabor Mate. I suggest you seek to learn from their noble example of integrity and humanity.