I agree with you that would be a terrible betrayal of Palestinians, if true.
I wish you. would just write down the facts as per your awareness of them with references if possible, instead of adopting this sarcastic tone and culminating each point with, 'how cute'.
We all have limitations in terms of our window on the world events - and in terms of time, resources, our circle of companions etc ...
If you think I am sincere in wanting to be for justice and that makes it worthwhile to respond to me, then address me with that uppermost in your mind.
Otherwise you are just wasting your time, because you know, no-one wants to be berated and ridiculed and such behaviour closes the door to communication.
I have been on the verge of blocking you before because of your attitude of superiority and condemnatory tone.
Just be factual, according to you knowledge base.
Is that so difficult?