I agree, there's perhaps a fine line between confidence and arrogance; authoritarianism and the feeling of authority than comes from deep research and competence. I don't speak (or write, with a frivolous egocentricity, whereas I think most people do talk in a superficial, unthinking way, and it's usually a contest of egos, so you are right to be wary.
I like your honesty, young man!
As a teacher of English, and as an editor of textbooks for English learners, 'disparaging' is not a big word for me!
; )
My starting point is that I communicate to learn as much as to share ...
Get hold of Paolo Freire's book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed'. it's a tiny book, but the most densely packed with analysis on dialogue and the 'banking concept ' of education.
I'm sure you will love the ideas expressed there for they are the most deeply humanist!