I absolutely agree with you NatalieSugabelle, that the sham puppets in the form of Arabic leaders and elites in the Gulf states ought to be using their trillions of oil money to shut down this slaughter... my point is not that I am expecting one American Balck woman to do so.... the core understanding I am seeking to share is that when the carrot of meritocracy is dangled before people historically excluded from wielding power, those few that are allowed in to the hallowed circles are ONLY allowed in while they are totally compliant with the authority structure that has been screwing the world - and their forebears, fo generations.
It is not a matter of American Blacks owing anybody anything, but recognising the pattern of tokenism by which we are all, whatever our shade of colour under the control of the elites.
So for instance, I have more in common with Julian Assange, or the courage and integrity shown by Muhammed Ali, when he refused to go and fight the Vietnamese, than the Indian heritage woman, Nicci Haley .