Member-only story
How Do You Know As a Muslim That your Religion has been Hijacked?
When you see the Hajjis are Damn Hypocrites, Worshipping the West
I believe Muslim communities around the world have allowed themselves to be hijacked. We have been unlawfully seized and we are being used for others’ evil purposes. We as the Muslim Ummah (worldwide community), are being forced to go in a different destination from that ordained by the Divine.
For some two centuries, we have been attacked by the land-grabbing, resource-hungry Westerners. We all know who they are and how they have all cooperated with each other, to split up our communities and lay down borders that benefitted them and their interests. The Europeans’ two ruling mantra were, Might Makes Right, and to Divide is to Conquer. Neither of these ‘principles’ are concerned with human rights or rule of law.
But we see that following their periodic pogroms against Jews, from York in the UK, to Warsaw and beyond, their frequent crimes against the Jewish people were topped by Hitler’s terror. Since then, they have joined hands with a few hate-filled advocates of Zionism, to turn Palestine into one giant concentration camp.
For decade upon decade, the Westerners have been selling our own, so-called Muslim leaders, their devilish bombs, warplanes…