Honestly I am so sick of this fiction that Haque keeps repeating, one day it it's 'gentle Europeans' the next its 'gentle, accepting Brits'. Remember the signs saying,'No dogs, no Wogs, no Irish'?
Remember the hundreds of thousands tortured and murdered by the British in Kenya, people just wanting to live on their own lands and they were labelled ‘terrorists’? What about the ‘gentle Frenc’ and how they decapitated Algerians and put up photos of the decapitated heads on stamps? How about the Belgians’ record of starving and killing about half the people of the Congo, and chopping the hands off children to motivate the parents to work harder on the rubber plantations?
It’s a dishonour to the suffering of millions of people when Haque speaks of ‘gentle Europeans, the gentle accepting British’. As someone of South Indian heritage, did not-one tell him about Bharat Singh and his comrades, who were young men protesting the occupation and starvation of India, and they were hung and their bodies burnt in the dead of night. To be a darling of white liberals do you have to act in denial of such truths? Apparently so.