Hmmm... Old school, maybe is centred around eternal truths?
Actually your comment here is giving me further clarity Frank... Because my internal dialogue was kind of conflicted...
So I have been saying to myself,
In fairness to the tutors, and as we don't know each other, some might have some mental health. issue/ the woman who cried was perfectly stable before I read the poem/ it spoilt the atmosphere for everyone.... perhaps I should have issued a warning ?
But then, another part of me is saying...
'Hells bells, again it is white privileged people who get to decide what is triggering... I had to sit through the poem (chosen by the tutors) , that repeated verbatim, threats by white skinheads I heard as a child.
Now, since considering the other comments left by other authors on Medium, especially, Noora, Leif, Alexandra and Lola I am glad I followed my feeling and that I did read out the poem for Gaza. Not to have done so, would have been 'cowardly, intellectually dishonest, and upholding the imperial hegemony'. (Such clarity that words can bestow - thank you).
The whole situation, following the marketing spiel and the nice dinner lunch etc, fully revealed the poverty of spirit of both tutors - full of sympathy to the woman crying but zero concern for my feelings. Is she more human than I, or what?
Needless to say I will not be attending any course run by those tutors. They showed me where their loyalties lie, and just how quickly I would be abandoned were there to be a conflict of interest.