Hmm, I have 3 sisters who have had children as an insurance agaisnt loniliness and for help when they are older... they had their babies quickly, before they really got to know their husbands and each guy left them soon after, mantianing no contact with the children .
I think a major reason people have children, especially the less confident women... is for them to be an insurance agasint loniliness. As a lecturer/teacher, I know of many 16/17 year olds getting pregnant because that makes them feel special/adult/more valued and they are provided with material resources by the State, lots of dealines extenede dfor them in their studies etc etc..
I agree there are unfortunate situations that can arise leaving a single woman juggling work and childcare, but by and large, with easy availability of birth control, I think many woman are still choosing what they think is an easier, societally -backed route to status and self-esteem. An adult has God-like powers vis a vis baby/child and that's is so attractive to power-seekers.
To point such things out is not to say it is true of absolutely everyone, obviously.