Hey Richard, I prefer the term 'food for thought' than 'brain virus'!
You have also gave me much 'food for thought'.
: )
May I suggest you turn your in-depth comments of yours, into an article - perhaps bestowing your knowledge of the subject area, which is vast, compared to mine, and as you comment above, explain from your point of view, why the term 'the Eurokleptocene', is a better fit to the reality we want to describe, than 'the Anthropocene'.
You have already reflected back is a very rich, affirming way, my thoughts and analysis leading to my invention of the term 'the Eurokleptocene'.
By doing so, you are taking tangible action to help overturn the narrative monopolised for too long by those with power.
As I think I mentioned, I was threatened with a fail by the external examiners, at my university in my final year as an undergraduate. (they disagreed with the content of what I had written) .
With the intervention of a couple of academics (important to note they were both of working class white origin) this was shifted to a 3rd class award. But my philosophy teacher actually wept and said, 'they have crippled you'.
ie funding is offered to people with a First, not a Third.
I didn't care much for that but I did miss having a fraternity of scholars to share and exchange ideas with... so it would be wonderful if you brought your mind to bear on this suggestion. I really love how I haven't needed to offer an in-depth explanation /justification of the term' the Eurokleptocene', you have just picked up my thought!
Love to see you run with it, in your next article!