Glad to have come across your writing here Saurav!
There’s a lot of sifting through rubbish needed here though, like ‘how to make x in 15 minutes’, the capitalist-driven mindset whreby everything, including beign a writer, is driven by the profit motive…. and then we have the repeating loops of stories about horrific murders by the deranged and the depraved… I do wonder, what purpose do those writers think they are serving? To get visibility and claps?
Thirdly, there’s the mountain of stories about ‘self-improvement’, what to eat, how to breathe and which exercises to do! All of which promote a self-regarding, close-hearted egotism.
People with a bit of spare money have got so narcissitic here in the West, but then again, elites everywhere are the same - empathy-devoid and superficial.
But then every so often you get a gem of a person, who reminds us all what being human is about! (Thinking of the Indian 2014 Nobel prize winner who actually changed his surname to break links with a family and caste that were dehumanising others, Kailash Satyarthi). I wrote an article about him a few weeks ago, because surely its such people whose example we need most at this point in history? I’m embarrassed to say I had heard nothing about him, despite his decades of valiant efforts to stop the evils of child labour and trafficking.