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Following the Flock (While Pretending that You’re Not)
Hip Hop Boys, Capitalisms’ Fake Rebellious Toys
Y’know, some guys really can sing,
And they don’t wear bling
Not stooges for white rule
The boys who refuse to be
The white mans’ tools
Take a leaf
From Muhammed Ali
With his head clear,
His heart strong
He went to jail
Refused to bomb, Vietnam
‘Cos hey, he said
They never did me no wrong
Now we got Black guys
Doing the massa’s dirty work
If they not in Iraq
They’re cruising or they strutting
Like peacocks making
Making mindless noise
See they not the resisters
Of white rule
They more like a black version
Of the Proud Boys
For the right price
They’ll happily
Piss on their sisters