Firstly, I would like to thank you for taking the time to respond in depth to some of the lines of the poem. I really appreciate that. If I may share on a personal note, the first systematic injustice I became aware of in my mid teens, was the Nazis' treatment of Jewish people and I literally cried as I identified with Jewish people so strongly (being a minority of one as a South Asian girl in a white dominant school).
I understand that due to the horrible and frequent pogroms and takeover's of Jewish people's properties, throughout Europe, it became a practical necessity to have easy to carry wealth in the form of gold... so I think some of the stereotypes about Jewish people have some truth value, simply due to the circumstances which dictated their responses as a community. To note that is not to be anti-Semitic.
It was research done by Jewish scholars in the USA, quoted by Professor Toney Martin , that proved the Jewish involvement in the Atlantic slave trade... so that again , is a fact.
JSo, with respect, I wish to say that ust because some things show Jewish people -like just about every other people on the planet have transgressed/exploited others in some way, whether as individuals or as communities, does not mean the commentator on this fact, is anti-semitic.