For what it’s worth, “messy fucking poetry” is nothing new, except as a “topic” for writing on Medium. One of my current reads: Burn It Down!: Feminist Manifestos for the Revolution, compiled by Breanne Fahs, opens such a space…a space to be anything but fucking polite! I first found my way, formally, to the genre of “manifesto” writing during graduate school coursework in the field of Social Justice and Human Rights. My first impression, though, upon seeing the course title…the societal stigma associated with far right extremism and imperial revolutions. Needless to say, I did not take the course, though I would later sit in on the “manifesto night” readings of the work other students had drafted upon invitation, once by a fellow grad student and once again by a professor who had engaged significantly in my own writing, writing which I had not yet come to identify as belonging to what has certainly been a long history of radical writers and dreamers daring to imagine forward from beneath the rubble of unrelenting tyranny.