Bravo for your carefully written, nuanced advice, which I really really appreciate, Mallory. Just to explain, it was a solicitor ( who brought to my attention that all the key people involved in the harassment of me at my first college were Jewish - he said al the names that were colours eg 'Brown, Green, etc were likely people who'd moved to the Uk and changed their names to blend in. This was the first I head of it, and I was simply astonished.
Becuase of my concerns not to feed into anti-semitism, I never broached the subject publicly. I also didn't have much time to reflect on what was the best course of action and so ended up doing nothing.
But lots of memories have got stirred up recently, partly because of the lockdown providing respite from day to day pressures and also because a close friend commented, 'you're always having problems', which was devastating to me, as I felt I was being blamed for systemic issues that I had challenged one way or another, in accordance with my job role, and sometimes even, inadvertently!
You've gave me much food for thought, so I must thank you... appreciate this dialogue with you