Bravo! A series of brilliant connections made in this article. Traumatised people can find it difficult to put emotions aside, to think through the intense pain and sorrow to make relevant associations. Water Rhein, you are proving in one analytical article at a time, to be that very rare, somewhat endangered species:- a white male ally.
There is a deepcultural silence around how whole populations of 'coloured', 'mixed heritage\ people arose such that it was a category of its own in apartheid South Africa...
The rape of maids, by white males must have played a major role across the decades of white rule.
A violent, predatory patriarchal social order, backed by military might, creates relations of subjugation and economic and sexual exploitation. It's easier to see that in another society such as apartheid South Africa, than in the constantly self-glorifying American 'democracy' that is actually a form of oligarchic fascism. Bravo again to Walter Rhein for breaking through the globalised conditioning that normalises the extreme violence of the white supremacist order posing everywhere as 'democratic'.