Anyone with a pulse and a half intact conscience cannot fail to be moved by the facts you share and the analysis you are making. But there is over half a century of propaganda that has seeped into every institution and organ of culture , most especially in the Anglo-American states, depicting Jewish people in general , and Israel as a 'democratic state', dealing with faceless 'terrorists' and anyone who questions this narrative is swiftly attacked form all sides, facing gloss of reputation and often, their livelihood. In other words, people are scared, confused and mostly lack the truths you are so eloquently sharing.
Those in the know, generally lack the financial means and social connections to really have influence to shift the narrative that the Zionists have been su successful in implanting, from establishing Holocaust study centres and museums, to a massive capacity for lobbying political structures.
But the tide is surely turning and people around the world are waking up to the truth.
Thank you for your eloquent contributions. I send you tons of solidarity and hugs.
The truth will prevail and the likes of Epstein, will be seen as the Frankenstein monsters that they are.